Friday, February 25, 2011

Carolina Gas Transmission pt. 3

Continuing to work on the people and places project at CGT. This one was taken at one of our compressor stations. We were inside one of the buildings that houses 2 1,200 horse power gas fired turbine compressors.

Lighting setup: SB-800 camera left with Photoflex Lightdome XS, 1/4 power. Vivitar 285 1/16 power camera right and back. Reflector disk camera right front low, SB-800 1/16 power on compressor unit.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Some favorites from the last few years

Looking through some of my work from the past few years and decided to put together a quick portfolio page. I really need to update my portfolio galleries on the main site but who has the time, amirite? Anyway, follow the link and have a look at some my favorites. Hopfully I will have some more in the coming days/weeks.

Portraits portfolio
