Friday, June 7, 2013

Third First

The home studio has been inactive for a while, but I got to set it up recently to shoot this little girl's portrait commemorating her first Holy Communion. I was also fortunate to have done this for her two older sisters.

This is a fairly simple setup. I used my Alien Bees in the large octo-box for the main light camera left and one of my Nikon SB-800 shoe mount strobes with a Photoflex Lightdome XS softbox camera right to the rear. The AB was triggered by cybersync radio remote, the SB-800 was triggered in SU-4 slave mode. The backdrop is my go-to plain white paper.

I posted about her older sister's portrait in this post...
All in a Days work

It is a bit of a hassle to set it all up and take it back down for a ten minute shoot, but I do miss it sometimes.


Friday, April 5, 2013

Edisto Pano

It has been a while since my last post. Guess I haven't had much to post about. I have not picked up my camera in weeks.

Anyway, we were at Edisto for Easter weekend and I did take my camera. Unfortunatly I forgot to take a CF card. #FAIL. I did have my crappy Blackberry and it will do in a pinch. I snapped this nine shot paonorama and put together with Autostich. Not bad for a crappy cell phone camera. I have vowed to start carrying the camera bag with me (CF card included) now that the weather appears to be on the up.
