Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Edisto Pan 04

I really enjoy panorama photography. The wide aspect ratio gives the viewer a sense of 'being there'. With digital photography it is a fairly simple thing to 'stitch' multiple captures together to create a single image. The trick is to make sure the images are lined up correctly when captured.

The preferred method for this is to use a tripod and a leveling device, however, these were done freehand. I have all that stuff, but I was out for a bike ride when I made most of these, and a tripod was a luxury that I was not willing to afford myself. Anyway, I hope you like them.

Click on an image for a larger view

Edisto Pan 03

Edisto Pan 02

Edisto Pan 01

Thanks for looking,

1 comment:

  1. Nice panos Steve! I like that bottom one a lot!
    See you soon, Ken
