Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Grid Posters

We set up a make shift photo booth at the beach house this summer and did head shots for the yearly art project. Once the shots were complete my Mom, Mimi as she is known to the grandkids, projected them and traced them on canvas board. The kids then each used pastels to create a unique portrait of themselves.

This was all pretty cool, but the original photographs ended up being really good as well. I took 9 of my favorites of Jessica and Taylor and made these photo grid posters. These are being printed up on 16’x20’ and will be framed for display.

This was a neat project. Now that I have gotten the set up in Photoshop, duplicating this will be a snap. This could be great idea for a senior portrait project, or for a Christmas present.

Here's Taylor

The art projects can be veiwed here.

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