Sunday, March 29, 2009

Prom Night

Prom Night! We shot formal prom photos at the home of Tim and Kathy Pifer yesterday. We had 8 couples and had to move the shoot in-doors because of the weather. It was a toad strangler.

Two words for anybody interested in trying this, radio triggers. Optical slaves are great until you have a house full of teenagers and their parents armed with point and shoots popping flash all over the place thus triggering your slaved flashes.

This one was lots of fun. I hope the prom goers recover from their reverie. I heard that most didn't go to bed until well after 4:00am.

The rest of the photos can be viewed here
Blythewood H.S. Prom

I really like the look of these squre cropped group shots. Hopfully other will like this look as well.

For photographers: These were shot using the Nikon D200. For the group shots the lense was a medium wide to tele zoom at the wide end (28mm i think) at f/5 - 5.6. The first shot above was done with an SB-800 mounted on the camera hot shoe. For the formal shots the 50mm f/1.4 @ f5 - 5.6 was used. Light was provided by an AB800 with the large octa-box and an SB-800 speedlight with a white reflector umbrella. The Lights were up high and feathered just slightly.

-- update --

The square print looks really smart with a custom matte and frame. We can offer this as an option at very reasonable rates. Contact us for details.


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