Sunday, March 1, 2009


My friend Wes has been after me to shoot this photo of him for quite some time. We have talked about it often so we had the concept pretty well defined before hand. We used the Alien Bees AB-800 with a shoot through umbrella attached as the main light, and two Nikon SB-800 strobes with snoots right and left behind for rim light. A photoflex multi-disk was used as a clam shell for some additional fill.

We shot several of these to get the smoke curls just right. There was a lot of post processing in Photoshop to get the final look.

BTW, Wes is a real pro to work with ;o) Thanks man!



Here's another take from the Wesley session. This shot mimics the Platon Stallone shot pretty well. Only one light here, the AB-800 w\ the brolly


  1. Cool shot Steve! The floating head is a cool idea. Is Wes a photo buff as well? Do you plan to print this? Anywhoo....looks like your having a great time with the new Bees!

  2. Thanks Ken, Wes is a friend who appreciates photography, but is not a shooter. I had shown him some of Platon’s photos on the web and he liked one of Sylvester Stallone smoking a cigar. My take really doesn't look like the one by Platon, but pose is similar.

    The Bee is really fun to shoot with. For this of set up, the power was set pretty low, around 1/8. The rim lights were also set very low, 1/64. Recycle time was almost instantaneous so I was able to shoot very rapidly.

    I hope to make a large print from one of these eventually.


  3. Steve is a genius. More energy than Austin Powers during a shoot.
