Monday, November 10, 2008

Lake Murray Sunset

We had a family portrait shoot at the lake yesterday. Afterwards I walked around and took a few snaps of the lake. This one was take with my D200 + the 18-55 'kit' lens with a polarizer filter. It was a beautiful afternoon.

Here's the family. The fall colors, blue sky and water make a really nice backdrop for this family portrait. This was taken with my D50 and 2 SB-800 strobes, one on the right, one on the left with shoot through umbrellas. The D50 has the capability to sync with the strobes at high shutter speeds allowing the strobes to over power the ambient light.

1 comment:

  1. Nice shot Steve! Our leaves here are all but gone and old man winter is looking to sit in. I hope you post some of your sports coming up! Come by my blog Monday and I may have some sports and Eddie's play up for viewing. Have a great weekend Steve!
