Sunday, November 23, 2008

Windermere Afternoon

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Took a walk across the street to the golf course this afternoon. This is no. 14 at the Windermere club, a reachable 310 yard par 4. There is still just a little fall color left here in SC and the late afternoon sun really highlights that.

This was taken with my D200 with the trusty 18-55 cheapy lens + polerizer filter. Pretty much straight out of the camera, just a little color tweaking with CS2. I like it.

Here's an other taken with my 80-200 f 2.8. Love love love this lens.

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A little burning and dodging in CS3 on this one.

Thanks for looking,

1 comment:

  1. Nice captures Steve! Looks like it is getting colder there as well.
